Jac Depczyk : cyberartist

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Why did you make Netcells ?
The idea of Netcells came to me in the year 1999, it was born out of several reasons.

The main one was that I needed the functionality for my own use and could not find any site or software that would provide it. Having written the programming code myself it was logical to make it available to others, as it is in my nature.
In due course Netcells evolved into something different. The support for creative individuals is still there, of course, but not as the prime driving force, more like a by-product. Netcells is an Internet-based software, an artificial life form. It evolves by its own logic. It filters information and enhances it in the process..

Building Netcells has been a very hard work, of a kind I had no previous experience of, and oftenvery frustrating. Now a successful company, Netcells became more enjoyable and a very useful experience.

For specific questions relating to Netcells go to Netcells FAQ.