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I want to use egoMorph Images or make new egoMorph Images to make money !
We want you to be known and prosperous, just remember you have no commercial rights over any of the egoMorph Images - many of those Images are already represened by large agencies, like Getty Images - you could get into serious trouble violating the Photographer's copyright !
Other Images, those released under the Creative Commons licence, cannot be used for commercial purposes under the licence terms, although they may be used to promote your own creative activity.

New Images - those not yet made - are open to any use - this is to be decided on individual basis.
If you have commercial plans for our new or existing Images you must talk to the copyright owner, that is, the Photographer - this is easily done by sending a Message from a particular Image page.
You can also talk to egoMorph itself, we might be able to assist you in your endeavour.