Daniel Hazelhoff : writer, poet, rapper

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Our Misfortune
I was hit by a car on a Sunday, I wasn’t hurt but I needed a drink,
The man stepped out of his Mercedes and gave me a 50-pound note,
I could have sued his ass, but, he gave me fuel for drink,
And I gladly accepted.
I bought a 99p burger and went to work on my liver.
The silent trigger that is almost fully pulled back,
It’s not, because I lack the motivation for most things.
And I do not only speak for myself.
If you’re in a public place, please look around you,
How many faces with smiles do you see?
Are you at home with a family?
I shall ask the same question.
I hope you are one of the lucky ones,
But, you’re probably not,
And chance will have it; most people do not wish that luck upon you,
They probably wish you the same peril they are subjected to.
Day after day, year after year, expenses paid, and luxuries subdued
Into the pockets of the beasts, who feast upon your, nay, our,