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We would never push you towards any particular solution - when we set up a new site we do it the quickest and simplest way possible, for a number of reasons.
It is generally a good idea to move up to using a Framework, if: # you want to progressively develop your site, over time # you want advanced features - forms, traffic data, shopping trolley, search, visitor interactivity # you want Search Engine friendly page addresses - The disadvantages to consider are: # it is unlikely you will be able to modify the site design yourself (although you can update your content via NUZ, at any time) # your choice of Developers/Designers becomes restricted to the ones familiar with the framework used # it adds some cost in setting up or converting a site The framework we widely employ is called ›CodeIgniter, it is one of the best frameworks, with a large user base and documentation. Some of our designers also use ›Drupal. ›FAQ112 explains, in brief, what a framework is. |