here is your Question #117 Xclose
In principle, there no problem with that - your site can be built by any designer and still run on the Netcells User Zone (NUZ).
However, we like to know designers using our server - this is to ensure the security and programming standards. Why don't you put your designer in touch with us - this might be very much to his/her advantage. Three possible scenarios will typically apply here: 1. Your site is based and our server and updated via NUZ showing selectively showing data which you also have on your Netcells page (Cell). You can use NUZ functions (ie. Search, FAQs, Links, Contact form, other forms, Image Info, Image Background) and add new functions. The hosting type required is called Live, you get comprehensive and comprehensible support for your site and data. 2. Your site is based on our server but not updated via NUZ. For that we can give you the Standard site hosting. This is comparable to hosting offered by other providers, ie. not very useful but it can be upgraded at later time to use the functionlity of NUZ. 3. Finally, if you allow yourself be persuaded by your designer that it is in your interest to have a site exclusively based on his/her particular skills (or lack of them) and placed on a third party server (ie. not Netcells), that brings up a question whether or not your presence on our network is to the mutual benefit. In practice, you are not likely to find time and committment to maintain your site and your Cell separately, therefore missing the whole point of the Netcells network. We would not like to be providing traffic and visibility, while you spend your Internet money elsewhere. As those are complex and somewhat technical issues, we will be glad to discuss them in more detail, including any relevant cost comparison. Netcells Products and their pricing can be found on › |