here is your Question #307 Xclose
Images are read by humans in a very specific way - basically - patterns matched with other patterns and memorised (or not) - that is quite different from language, which is what we usually think of as data (information).
you can publish images as: 1 - picture (pattern) - shown on your site, Cell or Blog OR 2 - an information packet, with other data attached. the first option is quick but the second option is far more useful. under the first option you simply upload images to a folder - those images can be subsequently be shown by calling the image filename or simply by showing all images in the folder, one by one. under the second option you create a related database entry for the image you uploaded, you can attach as much information (text) as you like - that makes it possible to find that image by search and relate it with other images. NetCells User Zone gives you this power to create value - use it to make your site and Cell much more useful and interesting! note that digital images usually contain information anyway - embedded by the camera, editing software or a human. you can see that information when you open that image in a suitable program (in Photoshop it's: File > FileInfo) one more thing: it you wish to retain the ownership of your images then it's essential that you communicate this - add your name to the filename, your information to the metadata (as mentioned above) and, best of all, a watermark to the image itself, we can do that for you, if you wish. |