here is your Question #320 Xclose
The email on the NetCells server is as reliable as any email can be.
We do not control or block the email coming to your account - we leave that task to you - with the cPanel tools, such as SpamAssassin. The delivery of your email sent is controlled by the receiving server - companies controlling those servers can set up any rules they like. Those rules are often quite restrictive, simply to make their job of defending server easier or for other reasons. When email is not be delivered our server will try repeatedly and, finally, return it to you with an error message. In such a case it not always feasible for NetCells to intervene, neither do have an obligation to do so, for the simple reason that the problem is not on our side. The complaint should be made by the person not receiving your email. - try to contact them by other means and show them this explanation. We can contact large companies that control masses of emails. Unfortunately, those very large companies sometimes refuse to unblock and even give a reason for refusing! There is nothing we can do about that, other than changing your sending IP address, which is not a casual operation. There is a hypothetical possibility of our server being blacklisted due to spam coming out of one of the accounts - that is easily checked and we will, of course, remedy that situation as fast as possible. Email is a wonderful and convenient communication medium, but - for the reasons mentioned above - it is not 100% reliable and under attack from various sides. When you send an important email you should ask for confirmation. This can be done automatically from your webmail program - Return Receipt and Delivery Status Notification - but only a response from the Human you are trying to reach can be regarded as definitive proof of the message having been read (although not necessarily understood, alas). If you are being continually blocked for no reason, since this is NetCells, we can give you a free email address for the purpose of contacting people you can not contact from a different IP address. |