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Server is specialised computer connected to Internet for the purpose of storing Data (web sites and other) and serving that data to the sites' visitors.
Keeping your web site data and making them available on-line is called hosting your web site. Most servers are shared, that means they host hundreds or thousands of sites you know nothing about. Any of those sites is a potential security risk and a performance impediment. The Netcells server is a fast and secure dedicated server - it stores only the sites and data of the Users of the Netcells network. We have the exculsive root access to the server and monitor all in and out traffic. We know every site on the server and get automatic notification of any new program that sends email or taps the server's resources. In addition to keeping the sites data our Server also contains Programs, custom-written and other, which provide on-line functionality - via the Control Panel (cPanel) for the individual sites and via the Netcells User Zone for all our Users. The server-based functionality is a growing trend, which is called Cloud Computing, it can be used for your daily business needs but also to interact at depth with your site's visitors. |