here is your Question #252 Xclose
Well, first of all, do not use large commercial email providers or "social" networks for anything private. Those are big targets for hackers and your email will be automatically read - to "improve the quality of service" and sell you advertising. It is safe to assume those companies are in business of exploiting your information, one way or another, especially if their service is free.
Information published cannot be "un-published", don't forget it is a criminal offence in many countries to publicly reveal other people's private information. As a Netcells User you can be contacted in a secure manner via our ›SecureMessage system, but, remember that your reply, if sent by email, will not be secure. To send confidential content by email you can use the password-protected pdf format - just do not send the password together with the pdf file ;-) in fact do not send it by email at all. If you use email you should have your own private mail server, normally based on your domain name (ie. web site address, although you do not actually have to have a web site) - example: You can have a number of email addresses based on that -, etc, you will be able to add and close email accounts as needed. If you want an anonymous address or do not want to buy a domain name we have a number of domains you can use (,, and more - contact us for a list). You improve security and avoid mishaps by reading and writing email directly on your server (webmail - accessible from any computer) and not downloading it to your local device. Finally, remember, the weakest link in your security chain is generally you. Make sure your ›password is strong and nobody else knows it. As you can see, Netcells can substantially improve your security awareness (we already did ;-) and provide you with many secure communication options - check the ›Products page, ›talk to us! |