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What is Art Object ?
The idea of Art Object is not new, in use for centuries, evolving or perhaps devolving, it turns out anything can be one now - including packaged excrement or simply empty space, not to mention a potentially infinite range of everyday objects.

the DC version of Art Object is clearly defined and coherent, both physical and digital, innovative but rooted in art history. when expressed as Versioned Edition (VE) it is a numbered, triple-authenticated, black and white art print on paper or on moisture-proof paper-like material. each one is different, to varying degrees, they can include elements added by or related to the person acquiring - this can go all the way to co-creation.

in common with other Art Objects, our version can also be used for storing value and exchange.
Art was always used in this manner by the rich, my role is to democratise it - DC Art Object (VEA) is most affordable, with the minimum initial value set at 100 CCUs - its future art/exchange value is unknown but reasonably assumed to be greater than its acquisition value - with no upper limit - that is a particularity of Art, as we know it.