Deep Cheque

deepcheque.nettext 4 questions 48 products 7 blogs 5 Contact
Are Deep Cheques (DC Art Objects) all identical?
No ! They mutate during the process of thinking and making them. Why ? because they can -- they are information. In case of ›Counted Art Edition (CE) the ch...
Are Deep Cheques (DCs) protected from fraud?
yes. rather well -- there are five (5) levels of protection: ★ a Deep Cheque Document (DCD) can only be produced from the original digital file and that is ...
Are DeepCheque Art Objects (DCO, DCD, CEA, VEA) expensive?
No. Our concepts of ›Counted Art Edition (CE) and ›Versioned Art Edition (VE) resolved the problem of authenticated artwork being expensive in 2022 - one of o...
Can a DC image be made bigger ?
This is an interesting question, Visitor... well, first of all, remember there is a difference between DC - which is a digital (therefore, immaterial) image i.e. ...
Can I contact other owners (Keepers)?
An interesting question! Sure, it is a good idea to contact other Keepers, we give you such an opportunity, and, it makes perfect sense, as the joint activity o...
Can I get a Deep Cheque Document for FREE?
greetings, Visitor, somehow i knew you were going to ask this question... well, the answer is... yes, you can! -- IF you are a friend of mine. why? because i...
Can I post images from here on my social networks?
yes, that's ok. as long as they are not modified in any way. i assume you add some info regarding where they come from and what they are about. but, the web addr...
Can I save the World ?
It is most unlikely you can save the world, although we should all keep trying - our only hope is in the cumulative value of those efforts (while actively diminish...
Can other artists make Deep Cheques?
this question is often asked and the answer, unfortunately, is not easy. i am the inventor and developer of the Deep Cheque system. my purpose is to make creat...
Can you guarantee that my DCD will rise in value?
No, we can not do that, although it is most likely. For your complete peace of mind we give you a full refund within one (1) year of purchase, all you need to d...
Can you make a Deep Cheque especially for me?
yes, i can. it can be done in various ways. ★ send elements to be embedded ("digested") into a Deep Cheque as it is being created - a process that normally...
How can I generate revenue with DC?
yes. there are two ways this can be done. one is with DCDs (Deep Cheque Documents), as seen on this site. this is might be suitable if you are interested or...
How can I increase the value of my Deep Cheque?
oh, that's very easy. as with other digital currencies, all you need to do is spread-the-idea! do it by any means at your disposal - show it to friends, discuss,...
How do I make money with this system ?
hello Visitor, thank you for your question, i hope not to disappoint in explaining that this system does not "make money", instead, it creates Value, this value...
How do you democratise Art ?
The Deep Cheque project democratises Art not only by making it affordable to just about anyone, but also by making co-creation possible. The first objective was...
How do you promote DC?
i don't promote, i inform, connect, make alliances. but - essentially - my job is creation, invention, production. feel free to promote the system, if you wish....
How many DCDs can I acquire?
from one Issue (= same title edition), you can acquire a maximum of three (3) DCDs - one for you, one for your valued friend, partner or companion, the third... pe...
How to keep my Deep Cheque Document (DCD) safe?
your valued Deep Cheque Document (DCD) is safe, as long as you look after it. printed on archive quality paper, it will survive exposure to sunlight and other for...
How to reserve or acquire a DC?
the act of acquiring your DC can take time, especially in case of ›Versioned Edition that you might want to personalise, a special page is now set for that p...
How to use DC to promote an idea or an organisation?
This role has now been taken over by a dedicated web site ›DeepCheque.ORG, check ›Questions. Note: the same ›Communication Object can be used to fuel both DC...
I don't understand !
Yes, we hear that a lot and - rest assured - it is perfectly normal, even expected with something original and innovative - even the concept of understanding is ne...
I told someone about DC but they didn't get it!
do not worry about that - it is quite common. there can be various reasons. first of all, they would have to read the information provided. if they did - to no...
I want a DCD but I want DCD Number 1 !
You are right, No.1 is the most valuable (except, possibly, No.0, but 0 is, normally, not for sale). logically - it is also the most expensive - its price not kno...
Is DC system like NFT ?
As this question is often asked, here is a brief comparison, while there a similarities, the differences are of essence: DeepChequeNon-FungibleTokenany currency...
Is it true that as an artist I would sleep better with 10 VEAs in my bottom drawer ?
Yes, the Originator of this system is reporting such an effect, we are awaiting confirmation from the other makers of our ›Art Objects. Anyhow, it makes perfec...
Is Versioned Edition (VE), in fact, Limited ?
Each ›Versioned Edition is a continuous record of its creative process, with each Instance (print) being different to the previous. however, most things and pro...
Isn't this just another form of printmaking?
well, call it what you want, but, i do not think it is particularly useful to call it printmaking. that is its starting point but it goes far beyond it. althoug...
What are CCU Currency Units ?
Oh, CCU stands for Chosen Currency Unit - that can be Euro, US Dollar or GB Pound - we don't mind which. We price our art objects and services in CCU - to facilita...
What does DC Art Object look like ?
One of the great things about the DC system is that you can easilty get a very good idea of what the actual Art Object (print) looks like, long before you acquire ...
What is Art Object ?
The idea of Art Object is not new, in use for centuries, evolving or perhaps devolving, it turns out anything can be one now - including packaged human waste or si...
What is Counted Art Edition ?
Counted Art Edition (CountEdition or CE for short) is an art print formula introduced by this site in 2022, to produce sets of numbered, authenticated art prints. ...
What is DCC ?
DCC is a Deep Cheque Clone, almost identical to a DCD (Deep Cheque Document) but worthless. a DCC might have a stamp, perhaps even a seal but - significantly - n...
What is DCO (DCD, CEA, VEA) ?
DCO - it can also be called DCD, just DC or CEA or VEA - one of the key concepts of the system - is a double or triple-authenticated Art Object - high resolution p...
What is DCV ?
DCV is a Deep Cheque Visual - a lower resolution file which can be shared for information and co-working during development of a new DC image - this is very conven...
What is OVO ?
My concept of Optative Value Object (OVO) is not new (2018) but it is only now that a workable formula is found. It is a variant of a ›DC Art Object - jointly...
What is so great about Versioned Edition (VE) ?
As an inventor and a regular practitioner of the ›Versioned Edition concept i can tell you that is a great way of working. each time i look at one of my images ...
What is the difference between Counted Art Edition (CE) and Versioned Art Edition (VE) ?
Our game-changing concepts of Counted and Versioned Art Edition both assingn a unique, time-based number to each art piece, where they differ is mainly the degree ...
What is the difference between DC (CEA, VEA) and DCNote ?
DCNotes are a practical implementation of the Deep Cheque system, with a wide range of practical applications, similar to any printing medium. at the same time t...
What is Versioned Art Edition (VE) ?
DeepCheque concept of Versioned Edition (VE) is our 2022 update of the traditional formula of limited art print edition (LE), dating back to the 19th century. Typ...
Who are Transmitters? Who are Pollinators?
It turns out the Transmitters and Pollinators are one and the same thing - those are Persons who take time to spread the word about the DC system and encourage the...
Who decides the value of a DCD?
My invention, in 2022, of ›Versioned Edition established the pricing method and resolved quite a few problems in the process. Now, when new editions are l...
Who invented the DC system ?
DC system was invented in 2018 by an ›artist with lifelong experience of art printmaking, industrial print production and creating images for the world media. ...
Who is a Considerator?
In principle, anyone can be a Considerator - that is a person contributing to a particular DC, by providing an insight, based on individual knowledge and/or experi...
Why acquire a DeepCheque Art Object (DCO, CEA, VEA)?
sorry, this question is for you, not for me. a few possible reasons are listed below: ★ own a beautiful and intriguing object ★ participate in this great ...
Why laser printer ?
why laser printer ? because, somehow overlooked until now, (to my knowledge) laser printer is a terrific creative tool. whoever scratched that metal plate with...
Why not promote the Deep Cheques more vigorously?
This is a good question, Visitor, thank you. there are several good reasons. - my time is limited and better spent on creation / production - we are still at ...
Will there be colour Deep Cheques?
i don't think so. at this time there are no plans to produce colour DCs. i think this is unlikely, as it would compromise the original idea, its clarity and str...
Will there be larger Deep Cheques?
Most DCDs (and also DCNotes) are based on digital vector files and, as such, they can be output at any size. so, it is technically possible to make them bigger,...