hello CellMate!

NetCells CellMate program - a short introduction from the chairman.

have a feeling our dear Internet becomes each day... just a bit more... invasive... dangerous... restrictive...? ...you are not alone...
but, hey! -- don't be a Prisoner -- be a CellMate!

join us in the crucial task of re-building the web from the ground up!
we need to continue making, extending and connecting horizontal networks of equal Users, who own, cultivate and share data on their own terms, communicate freely while not being manipulated and snooped on - this has always been our mission - for the last 2 decades.

NetCellMates (NCM) is a partnership where you provide time and interest and we provide everything else a web site might need - at no cost.

this working formula is completely flexible, evolving with all participants feedback - you can get out at any time, if you so choose, taking your data with you. the revenue - if any - is shared equally between all CellMates and the Cell (web site) itself.

the gains are clear: money saved, knowledge acquired faster, friendships made, but -- most importantly -- collaborating and sharing is our only defense again the relentless concentration of power and wealth that translates into this increasingly ambiguous environment = the Internet today.

NCM now is some 50 sites, all CellMates can contribute to each other's projects - automatically - if so decided on individual basis.

if you are ready to go read further information.